Gwen Reed


You do not have to keep searching for your to do lists, schedules and notes.  There is a simple way to keep track of life in one little notebook.  

As a mom of two active teenagers, I've learned a lot about juggling schedules, keeping track of changes and how to stay on top of the day to day household activities too! 

Scroll down ⏬ to grab my free guide to keeping track of things!

A little bit about me

Hey there!  Thanks for stopping by today!  

Let me introduce myself!  

For years, I felt overwhelmed with keeping up with life.  There was always 
so much to do – kids’ activities, volunteering, fitting in work, cooking, laundry and cleaning.  Inevitably forgetting things or kids 🤣 and just not feeling like I had my act together. I was worn out by mid day and was going through the yo-yo of sugar highs and lows all day long.  

I had to get control of the overwhelm and stop feeling like a failure.  I knew I had to ask for help and find ways to simplify life.  So I became a student again and have been the queen of research on finding ways to improve my mindset and get control of the overwhelm!  

I had already started incorporating more holistic ways to care for our family.  

Then I was introduced to a product from a company that I trust, that completely changed the way we tackle cleaning at our house.  I also discovered a way to eliminate my afternoon energy slumps!

I've put a gratitude practice in place along with taming my schedule and making my health a priority and I have found a better groove!  

Now, I am on a mission to empower the overwhelmed and scattered mommas out there with the knowledge I have gained from the research I have done to fill your cup with gratitude and joy and make healthier choices along the way.  

Join our exclusive Facebook community and learn how you can find freedom with the knowledge we share!

P.S.  Some of the links on my blog are affiliate links. This means that, at zero cost to you, I will earn an affiliate commission if you click through the link and finalize a purchase. But I only recommend products I love myself.   

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