Upping your hydration game

Upping your hydration game
Are you keeping yourself properly hydrated?  

I've heard several different things about how much water you should drink in a day to keep yourself properly hydrated but the bottom line for me is, I'm not a huge fan of plain water unless I'm exercising.  

I also have a love/hate relationship with soda and in particular Coca Cola.  It just tastes good.  

I'm involved in an 8 week challenge at Orange Theory Fitness and we focus on different things each week around your overall health.  This week the focus is on hydration which is good because when you pay attention to something, light bulbs go off.

This challenge started at the end of January and I knew that Coca Cola was not serving me well so I decided I was going to eliminate that from my diet for these 8 weeks.  Now, it's a challenge for me because I like the sweet and I like the bubbles!  If this is you too, I have some ideas for you on how to up your hydration game and eliminate soda.  

1.  Black Currant Tea - The flavor of this tea is better than your standard iced tea and I love it with a squeeze of lemon in it.  It provides a little naturally occurring caffeine like the soda but it has antioxidants and anti-inflamatory benefits which soda does not!  My favorite tea comes from Duncan Coffee and it's delivered to my door!  Click here to see Duncan Coffee Black Currant Tea

2.  Vitality Drops + Energy - Sometimes I need a little sweet in my water and the YL Vitality Drops + Energy provide that sweet flavor using Stevia along with optimal levels of natural caffeine so you can enjoy it multiple times per day. Spearmint Tangerine Flavor,  Jade Lemon Berry Flavor, or you can get a  Variety Pack.   Pro tip:  I use a squirt in my water and try to refill the cup before it's empty because I can stretch out that flavor for at least 3 cups of water.

3.  Ningxia ZyngNingXia Zyng® is a refreshing, lightly carbonated drink that combines Ningxia wolfberry puree, pear and blackberry juices, and essential oils with naturally occurring caffeine for an energizing boost.  My go-to first thing in the morning was a Coke since I don't like coffee.  This was an easy replacement because it has the carbonation, a little sweetness and it's only 35 calories instead of 140!  

4.  Water with Vitality Essential Oils -  Young Living has essential oils that are specifically labeled as safe to ingest, they have a white label and are called Vitality Oils.  One drop is enough flavor in a cup of water!  Lemon, Orange, Citrus Fresh are some of my favorites.  Pro Tip:  only use glass or stainless steel cups.

5.  Water with Fruit - Now this is an easy way to add some flavor to you water.  Squeeze a lemon, add an orange slice, add any fruit you like to infuse flavor and vitamins from those fruits into a refreshing drink.  You can grab a water bottle like this one on Amazon for under $15 made especially for fruit infusion.  

6.  Water straight up - So there are times that just plain water is what you need, for me, that's especially when you're going to be exercising or taking a hike or something.  If I'm going to be gone all day, sometimes I'll freeze a bottle to take so it can stay cold til the end of the day.  I like these insulated bottles from amazon - they freeze well and hold it through a whole school day.  Great for kids that need to take water for after school sports practices.  

I may drink a variety of things in my water each day, but what I find most helpful is to keep a cup like this one with me at all times and just keep filling it up all day long.  

Drop a comment below with your favorite ways to stay hydrated!

5 Unique Christmas Gift Ideas

Every year I struggle with coming up with good ideas for gifts.  I want to give gifts that are special but something they will actually use and enjoy.  I am blessed to be part of a group that is so creative every year in giving suggestions and I want to share a 5 of my favorite ideas with you!  

So many forget about the importance of hydration during the cold winter months, but it’s just as important as those summer months! Staying hydrated during the winter months can boost your immune system and give your body support to help fight off infection. This will not only make a cute gift, but a gift that will inspire that special someone to take care of themselves when they need it the most. Included with this cute water bottle is the one and only Lemon oil. Lemon oil has properties within it that helps with normal inflammatory response, promotes a healthy immune system response, creates an unfriendly environment for all the nasty invaders, is great for the skin, and helps you feeling focused and energized. Just dropping 2-4 drops in your water is all you need!

• 20 oz bamboo top water bottles $15.99
• 5ml Lemon Vitality $6.50 

• 5ml Orange Vitality $6.25 
• 5ml Citrus Fresh Vitality $7.75 
• 5ml Grapefruit Vitality $8 
TOTAL COST: Around $22

This is a great gift for the person in your life who deals with lots of aches and pains, and we are going to show you how to give them some relief for a small price!

YL has a pack of ten CBD Muscle Rub sample tins that you can purchase! At $111.78, you can break this up and make 10 different gifts out of them for only $11.18 each! Ten gifts out of one purchase? Yes! CBD Muscle Rub combines CBD, menthol, and a selection of Young Living premium essential oils such as Camphor, Clove, Lemon, Peppermint, Tea Tree, Wintergreen, and more. The result is a powerful balm that offers a cooling sensation and soothes sore muscles in seconds!

• Jar of epsom salt bamboo jars: 12 for $23.99 ($2 each)

Epsom salt: bulk bag for $26.99 https://amzn.to/3DLgjbF (Grab a smaller cheaper one at a local store if you want! You only need 6 oz to fill each jar.)
• Massage tool $12.99

• CBD sample tins - 10ct for $84.95 ($8.50 each)

**TOTAL COST: Around $27 **
Whoever you gift this bundle to will thank you later I promise : ). 

This brownie bundle idea is PERFECT for a family member/friend who loves to bake! Maybe you want to inspire some family cooking time for someone with kiddos! You can include a card in your gift that says “For your family baking night of fun” or some cute theme idea included. If you haven’t tried making your brownies using YL peppermint oil, you’re truly missing out. Cooking with YL oils gives a whole new meaning to life lol. Whoever you give this gift to will send you a “thank you” text after their first mouth watering pepperminty bite of deliciousness.

Brownie mix for $4.99 at target (or sub for your favorite mix of choice)
Peppermint Vitality $10.75
Spatula from Homegoods for $2.99 or sub for this Target one for $2.00
TOTAL COST: Around $18 +tax If you want to add any additional items to this bundle for your favorite baker in mind here are a couple of other items you can include!
Kitchen towel $3: https://bit.ly/3pSwY92
Batter Bowl $15: https://bit.ly/2ZJNiyj
PS. Include a recipe card to your gift.  Drop me a message if you want a printable for this!

So this charcoal mask isn’t just any ole mask you can find at Target. This mask is free from harsh and synthetic ingredients. It’s free from parabens, phthalates, petrochemicals, animal derived ingredients, synthetic preservatives, synthetic fragrances, and synthetic dyes. It’s so hard to find face masks these days that are not only clean, but WORK.

YL’s charcoal mask uses Tahitian volcanic black sand that gently exfoliates. The activated charcoal within this formula is found in both China and South Africa and has properties that absorb impurities to help detox the skin, purify pores, and reduces the appearance of blemishes to help restore an even skin tone. This mask also contains a blend of natural alphahydroxy acids (AHAs) derived from European bilberries, Argentine lemons, Czech sugar beets, Spanish grapes, and more. Talk about a bougee pamper!

• charcoal mask for $39.75
• bamboo bowl set $10.99:
TOTAL COST: $50 +tax
**Add a little description card to this skin care gift so you can let your someone special know how unique and one of a kind this face mask is! You can even include the following instructions on how to use straight from YL: “For oily, combination, and normal skin: Cleanse face with a gentle, non-irritating cleanser; then apply a thin layer of the mask to clean face and allow the mask to harden for 5–20 minutes. Once the mask has changed color and is hard, rinse with warm water to remove. Avoid the eye area, nostrils, and lips. Follow with the rest of your skin care routine, including moisturizer to rehydrate. Use 1–3 times per week. For dry and sensitive skin: Apply a thin layer of the mask to clean face and allow the mask to harden for 5–10 minutes. Once the mask has changed color and is hard, rinse with warm water to remove. Avoid the eye area, nostrils, and lips. Your skin will likely feel dry after rinsing, so promptly follow with the rest of your skin care routine, including moisturizer to rehydrate. Use as needed or as a spot treatment. Due to the exfoliating factor of the AHAs, the natural astringency of Peppermint essential oil, and the detoxing nature of kaolin clays and activated charcoal, you will likely experience a tingling sensation. Some may even experience pink or red skin directly after use. This is temporary, normal, and means the mask is working.”

Need a teacher gift this year? What about a Secret Santa gift for a co-worker? This cute mug gift set combo is such a simple, yet thoughtful gift idea. The great thing about each YL item included in this set is that it comes in a pack of multiples so you can use the other left over products for more bundles! Mugs are super cheap and you can find so many cute ones to work with. If you want to get creative and give yourself a little more time in advance, get a personalized mug off of Etsy!

Mug from Home Goods for $3.99 OR grab a few in bulk from Amazon
  1. Link: https://amzn.to/3reqQJd
  2. Maple Bath Bomb (pk of 3) $34.75 ($11.58 for each bath bomb)
  3. Chocolate bar (bulk) from Amazon (19.99 for 12)
  4. Vanillamint Lip balm 4.50 each
  5. Natural paper stuffing bought at Dollar Tree $1 per bag
    TOTAL COST: Around $23 for each mug gift set put together! Buy 3 mugs so you can make 3 gift sets! 3 really great gifts that are free from toxic chemicals for under $70? Yes please!
I hope these gift ideas inspired you and got your creative juices flowing!   

If you want to see more ideas, shoot me a message and I'll make sure you're in our FB group!

3 Tips for a Great Thanksgiving

3 Tips for a Great Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is just around the corner - can you believe it?  If you're hosting, going to someone else's house or just chilling with your immediate family at home, I've got 3 tips for you to make this a great Thanksgiving!

  1. Plan it out the cleaning ahead of time
The one thing that gets my anxiety up is making sure the house is clean and I have all of the menu timed with things taking their appropriate turn in the oven.  I mean what's Thanksgiving without having multiple dishes of delightful food to eat!  It all take a little planning, and thankfully you've got time!   What I do is create a spread in my journal with what needs to be cleaned and what needs to be cooked and who's helping with what task.  It's easy to get overwhelmed, but like they say, if you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.   

Even if I'm not hosting dinner at my house, I still like to have things cleaned so I'm not stressing about the dog hair or dust I see sitting around.  And it's supposed to be a relaxing day to enjoy with family, so I want to make sure I do the work ahead of time to allow for a clean, calm peaceful time.    Thankfully, I have a simple cleaner that I can hand to anyone in the family with the cleaning cloth, paper towels or mop and knock out those jobs pretty easily.  Non toxic, safe for kids and pets are important to me when it comes to cleaning!  Here's my sketch of what it will look like next week for us.  

  1. Plan out the cooking ahead of time
Now for the food, the great eating event..... The turkey, gravy, dressing, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, cranberry sauce, sweet potato casserole (that only the adults seem to like), home made rolls and pumpkin pie.  I'm getting hungry just thinking about it.  ðŸ˜‹  But I only have one oven and everything needs it's time, so I plan it out with a spread in my journal again.  Even down to making sure I take the turkey out of the freezer in time, because let's just say, I've learned the hard way that it takes WAY longer to thaw a frozen turkey than I think it should!  ðŸ˜‚  Here's my sketch of how to make the great eating event happen this year... (not quite finished but started anyway)

It's kinda the whole point, right?  I have been using a gratitude log in my journal for some time now, I try to write down a few things everyday that I'm grateful for because when you spend some time reflecting on the good things each day, it makes a huge difference in your overall outlook on life.  If you haven't been doing that too, take some time to reflect over the last days, months, year and write down some things you are grateful for... the good moments, the things that sparked joy for you, the beautiful sunrise, someone holding the door open for you, the compliment someone gave you, your ability to help someone at the store get something off a shelf that they couldn't reach, the compliment you gave to someone, the ability you have to support your church or a school fundraiser... just write down anything that comes to mind.  

Here's some ideas to share the gratitude with those you are spending time with:
  1. write down something you're grateful for about each person and put it under their plate
  2. have a board or piece of card stock that everyone can write down what they are thankful for throughout the day
  3. have pen/paper available for everyone to write/draw something  for each person
  4. when you say grace before you eat, have everyone share something they are grateful for during the prayer
It's not happiness that brings gratitude.  Its gratitude that brings happiness.    
Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow.  
Once you start seeing things to be grateful for, your brain starts looking for more things to be grateful for! 
This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!

I am grateful for being able to find a journal/planner/command central notebook that works for me to corral things like this into one place that I can easily reference at any point in time.  I am on a journey to help others find ways to simplify life and corral the things that are important to them into one place too.  I will be launching a mini course showing you how to do this too.  Join the waitlist for the mini course to get more details about it! Click here to join the waitlist!

I hope your Thanksgiving is full of love, gratitude and joy!

Boo... 5 Halloween tricks for you!

Boo... 5 Halloween tricks for you!
Halloween is so much fun!  Seeing all the kiddos dressed in their costumes and seeing their joy as they fill their bags with treats.  I have suggested we hand out toothbrushes or fruit and my family insists if we do that we will not be very popular in the neighborhood.  ðŸ˜‚

I am a simple decorator, a wooden scare crow  and a few pumpkins is about all that happens on my front porch this time of year.  We like to carve a few sometimes and I hate how much work goes into the details just to have them rotting before Halloween night.  So I found this handy trick that keeps them looking good longer.  Just spray them with Thieves Household Cleaner on the cut edges and inside!  I mean who would have thought the cleaner I use daily could also keep my jack-o-lanterns fresh longer!  Well now you know my trick!

I like to simple decorations on the inside too but I also don't like pulling out a bunch of decorations only to have to put them away again in a few weeks.  I saw this bright idea of decorating my diffuser.  It sits out all the time, so why not make some cute cutouts out of paper and tape them on, turn the light onto orange mode and.....  Voila - inside the house decorated!  

Now if you want to get out a couple of things, like a black caldron from the dollar store, you can put the diffuser down inside of it (after you turn it on) and put a little bit of pulled apart cotton balls or some of that cobweb decoration material on the top of it to kind of hide the diffuser.  Voila, you've got that eerie feel to your space and you can set the mood with the oils you choose to diffuse!

Now once the little ones come home with their load of candy (and wrappers because they have eaten way too much while walking house to house) and start complaining of a tummy ache, be sure to have your monster tummy roller on the ready.   I actually use this quite often throughout the year when tummy aches show their ugly head.  I use 10 drops Digize and 7 drops peppermint in an empty roller and fill the rest with V6 Vegetable complex or the carrier oil of your choice.   Roll it on their belly and sometimes I warm up the heating pad to go along with it.  It  works wonders in our house.  

My last trick for you is for those littles who think there's a monster in the closet or under the bed or are just spooked by the costumes running around on Halloween night.  I like to make a Monster Spray (aka pillow spray for the adults) with an empty 2 oz spray bottle, add 15 drops lavender and 10 drops peace and calming, fill the rest of the bottle with distilled water, witch hazel or vodka.  Shake and spray on their pillows or around the room as "protection".  The lavender and peace and calming help to relax the mind and unwind when it's bedtime.  

So to sum it up here are my 5 oily Halloween tricks for you:

  1. Spray Thieves cleaner on inside of carved pumpkins
  2. Decorate your diffuser for a Halloween feel
  3. Put your diffuser in a caldron for that eerie feel
  4. Make a monster tummy roller for the "too much candy aches"
  5. Make a Monster spray for those who are spooked (or who are ready to wind down)
Just for fun, take my quiz to find out your modern sports mom cleaning style and find out what cleaning tricks you're missing out on!  

Click here to find out your cleaning style

3 ways to fill your home with the aromas of fall

3 ways to fill your home with the aromas of fall
Fall brings on the crisp and often foggy mornings, the beautiful gold, orange and red leaves falling from the trees creating a soft crunch under your feet, the squirrels scurrying around gathering their winter food supply, and the deer rutting in the woods.  

Fall offers us a time to renew our sense of smell with the aromas of apple pie, pumpkin pie, hot apple cider and hot chocolate.  The smell of campfires and smores in the crisp fall evenings.  A hike through the woods brings out the smell of the pines.  

Sometimes life is too busy to bake that pumpkin pie or make that apple cider to fill your home with that delicious smell.  Hopefully fall brings on some time to find a comfy chair, a blanket and book or journal and take some time to settle your mind.  

When you just want to enjoy the aroma of fall,  there are some easy ways to do that and customize it to your mood or activity!  

1.  Customize your cleaner to leave the surfaces clean and smelling like fall!  Grab a 16 oz spray bottle, 2 capfuls of Thieves Household Cleaner, 10 drops Orange, 5 drops Cinnamon, and 2 drops each of Clove, Nutmeg and Ginger Essential oils. and fill with water.  You can clean and make your house smell like fall in one fell swoop.

2.  Make a diffuser blend in an empty bottle so you can keep your diffuser going with the smells of fall as soon as you walk in the door!.  Grab an empty 15 ml essential oil bottle and add 40 drops Orange, 30 drops Cinnamon Bark, 10 drops each of Clove, Nutmeg and Ginger.  Put the lid on and give it a shake, fill your diffuser with water and add 3-5 drops of your blend! 

3.  Refill your foaming hand soap containers with a fall scent!  Grab an empty foaming hand soap container, add 2 Tbsp of unscented castile soap and 3 drops each of Cinnamon Bark, Nutmeg and Clove and 2 drops orange.  Your hands will thank you if you add 1/4 tsp vitamin E oil too!  Fill the remainder with water and shake to mix it up.  Now everyone can enjoy the fall scents when washing their hands.  

I am hosting a little gathering on October 23, 2021 to visit and make something for you to take home with you to spice up your home this fall. It's a free event and you can RSVP by clicking here.  You will get a copy of these recipes and a few more just by stopping by.  

I hope you soak up the beautiful colors, smells and sounds of fall this year.  Breathe deeply, write down something you're grateful for and shine your light brightly for others.  

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