Something about spring ignites a fire in me to spruce the house up and take care of some things that I have let slide over the last several months. Somehow when the weather is cold and I stay inside more, I just don't have the desire to deep clean. Maybe it's the beauty of the early spring daffodils, lilies and hyacinths that inspire me to make the inside beautiful too. Or perhaps the warmer weather that allows me to open the windows for the first time in a long while and I see how dirty they are.... 🤷♀️ Probably a combination of both I suppose.
Regardless of the reason, it's time to clean up some things around here. I began as I always do, saying o.k. this room has got to be cleaned so I vacuumed the floor, then started putting away things some of which belonged in another room so I went to that other room and saw something broken in there that needed fixed which I decided to fix right then, I picked up some trash and took it to the kitchen where I saw dishes that needed washed and while I was in the kitchen I might as well make lunch..... then I remembered where I started.... I need a better way to tackle this process otherwise I have started something in every room and not finished anything.
In the 3 ways to simplify spring cleaning for sports moms, step one is making a game plan! What a novel idea right? 🤯

Then I prioritized the list by cleaning tasks top to bottom (no need to vacuum the floor and then get dust from the ceiling fan all over it and have to vacuum again, right?) and I added some check boxes because I like to check things off my list!
How does the saying go, if you have no plan you plan to fail, right? So the next step is executing the plan.... that's the hardest part! Doing the work!
I like to work efficiently and use time hacks whenever possible so that progress can be seen! One of the best ways to do that is to clean from top to bottom and use a few supplies as possible to get the job done!
Grab your copy of 3 ways to simplify spring cleaning for sports moms, to get more tips on simplifying your spring cleaning this year!