One year ago, I was planning out the last few days of summer vacation and how to get the most out of it before the kids headed back to school. Planning last minute trips to Ace Adventure lake, an overnight camping trip to FMC Sportsman’s Club so we could swim ALLLLL day, and deciding who needed new underwear, jeans, shoes, backpacks, lunch boxes, mechanical pencils because the ones they have accumulated over the years are some how not good anymore… you know all the things to start a new adventure.
This year things are a little different. Still packing in all the summer fun we can manage while staying socially distant of course… isn’t it strange how we use this term “socially distant” like it’s always been in our vocabulary? But what school supplies do we need, are we going to be schooling from home, going to the classroom or something in between, we don’t know yet. And that is unsettling. There’s all these new rules, suggestions and recommendations, I can’t hardly wrap my head around them and I know for certain our kids and teachers will be more stressed about school that ever before.
One thing that appears to be certain is wearing a mask. I don’t like wearing one, I’m not sure who does really. But there’s a few ways I’ve come up with to make wearing one a little more bearable.
- Make it fun – give it some personality! Ask a friend to liven one up for you with their Cricut machine or find some fun material to make your own (they aren’t hard I promise) or find a cute one on line – there are tons of places selling them now. And make sure you have several for each person in the household because you’re going to be washing them…. Every day ok?
- Set an example – when kids see adults doing something without complaining about it, they will generally fall in line – maybe not right away, but they will… think of a fun game to play while wearing your mask like guess the face I’m making, have a special one to wear to certain places and be sure to do something that makes you smile or laugh while wearing it.
- Make a spray to freshen up your masks and make them more enjoyable to wear – In a small empty spray bottle fill with witch hazel and add 1-2 drops of Citrus Fresh Essential Oil. Shake and spray your mask before you put it on. The smell of citrus will brighten your mood and make wearing the mask a little more bearable!
We can complain about the circumstances we are in, or we can choose to make the best of it. The only way is THROUGH! There are a lot of things we cannot control, but one thing is certain, you are 100% in control of your thoughts.
Choose joy, fun, and love over frustration, anxiety, and fear.
A mask cannot hide your joy and love.
If you like these ideas, I invite you to join my upcoming “5 Days of Gratitude” challenge in my free private Facebook group called Hearts of Gratitude. We are going to delve into all kinds of topics in that group and you will get massive value out of it, but everything starts with gratitude. Get access to the group by clicking HERE