Sunday morning biscuits

Sunday morning biscuits
Start your Sunday mornings off right with a routine that brings peace and joy. For one Young Living Brand Partner, that routine includes making a delicious breakfast of eggs, bacon, and biscuits. The familiarity of this meal takes the stress out of the morning, allowing for quiet reflection and time to jot down any important thoughts. As a busy family, the author values the moments spent together around the table, sharing stories and laughter. The homemade biscuits have become the star of the Sunday breakfast, with each family member having their own unique way of enjoying them. If you want to try this unforgettable biscuit recipe for yourself, click the link provided and prepare to be delighted.

So take a moment to appreciate the quiet moments in life and prioritize coming together as a family whenever possible. And if you're looking to organize your recipes, consider using Notion, a digital tool that makes storing and finding recipes easier than ever. Don't miss out on the chance to create lasting memories with loved ones and enjoy a delicious homemade breakfast that will become a cherished tradition.


Make your own Lavender Linen Spray

Make your own Lavender Linen Spray
Lavender Linen Spray. Freshen closets, bedding, cars, and more with this calming scent.
10 drops Lavender essential oil
2 tablespoons witch hazel
6 tablespoons water
1. Combine witch hazel and Lavender in a small glass spray bottle and shake together for about 30 seconds.
2. Add water and shake for another 30 seconds.
3. Spray lightly on fabrics that need refreshing.