Random Acts of Kindness day! What would it be like if we set out to perform random acts of kindness EVERY day? It makes me feel good to make people smile and give them a lift, especially when it's unexpected or even anonymous.
The idea of Random Acts of Kindness day got the wheels spinning in my head of things that I could do. I would LOVE to see your ideas in the comments below!
1. Leave inspiring notes on cars before I leave the grocery store.
2. Put notes of appreciation in jacket pockets or lunchboxes for the family to find later.
3. Help someone find what they need at the grocery store.
4. Leave home made cookies in someone's mailbox with a note of thanks or inspiration.
5. Leave a $5 gift card for someone you appreciate.
I could sit here thinking of more things, but I better get to making those cookies!
To make it super simple for you to do too, I've made this cute printable so you can give at least 4 notes of kindness to someone today!
Don't forget to drop your ideas for some random acts of kindness in the comments for me!